RHS Career Tech - Roseville High School - Secondary Schools - Our Schools / Programs - Roseville Community Schools

RHS Career Tech

Accounting & Finance These course teach students the accounting skills necessary for managing and maintaining financial records for small businesses, as well as an understanding of the accounting process. Students progress to learn how to write checks, complete a bank reconciliation, make adjusting entries, and create financial records for a service business. As the program advances, students learn to manage and maintain financial records for partnerships, nonprofit organizations, departmental businesses, and corporations.
Auto Tech Auto Tech starts with Facility and Equipment Maintenance, Brake Systems and Components, Wheel Bearings, Parking Brakes, Traction and Stability Control, Suspension and Steering Systems, Wheel Alignments, Tires and Wheels, Diagnostic Scanning, and Exhaust and Emissions Systems. The program advances to cover Advanced Diagnostics, Advanced Wheel Alignment Procedures, Advanced Brake System Procedures and Diagnosis, and Advanced Electrical Diagnosis, focusing on customer vehicles and auto shop projects.
Building Trades Building Trades classes are designed to give the students on-the-job experience of many skilled trades through the actual construction of a house. The trades include masonry, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, drywall, and roofing. The students will work in small groups with assigned tools and through this group they will learn responsibility, cooperation, and how to work with others.
Business Students explore the ideas and concepts of business operations and ownership skills. The programs focuses on financials and business management through project and web-based business simulations. Students advance to explore the ideas and concepts of business and consumer relationships and a heavy concentration on business functions, career planning and employability skills.
Coding Students are introduced to using computational thinking and problem-solving skills to work on coding apps with block-based code. They will use the computer program in conjunction with a tablet to make usable apps. Students will further their experience with computational thinking and problem solving to code in both online tutorials and real world coding missions with the use of self-driving bots, and python coding language.
Drones This program introduces students to unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs), also known as drones. The course covers designing and maintenance, common flying strategies, and how to read and understand preflight weather reports. Students work on their flying skills from the very beginning by using a controller with video to fly a UAV. Students learn how to fly in all directions, navigate courses and obstacles, take images and video, along with safely following all FAA protocols.
Hospitality Management Students begin focusing on the essentials of food and workplace safety, basic cooking and baking, guest service, and culinary/business math. Students advance to focus on the essentials of marketing, management, nutrition, sustainability, advanced cooking, and career development. As the program advances, students study concepts in food science, develop recipes, and prepare for culinary competitions. Students may earn ServSafe Allergens and Beverage Service certifications.
Journalism Journalism is designed to develop students’ skills in reading, writing, discussion, and analysis. Students will develop these techniques by learning the historical and ethical aspects of journalism, and will apply these ideas to writing articles that may include news, feature, editorial, sports, and technology genres. As the program advances, students have the opportunity to become part of the newspaper and/or yearbook staff(s). Students will produce material for RHS’s yearbook Reflections and for our website, pprowl.com. Students will write stories, conduct research, interview various people, and photograph various subjects.
Machine Trades Machine Trades places emphasis on accuracy and hands-on machining operations. Students will be required to machine precise parts while learning more complex setups and machining operations using standard toolroom machinery as well as some CNC machining. The courses covers shop safety, precision layout, and multiple machining operations. Students will use complex setups and close tolerance machining to make a functional project. The program advances to programming of computer numeric controlled machines (CNC) and more complex functions, including introduction to the CNC milling machine and CNC lathe.
Marketing Students will gain foundational information for marketing and business that will help them become familiar with marketing and business terms, more knowledgeable consumers, and explore careers. Students gain advanced marketing and business information and learn to market themselves in the changing business world. Additionally, students get hand-on learning by running the student run school store “The Panther Den”. Students also put their marketing skills into practice by creating marketing plans for Roseville High School sports clubs. Students also have the opportunity for a marketing externship as the program advances.
Mechatronics Mechatronics is a STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts, and Mathematics) focused class created to support critical thinking, problem solving, and creative ideas. Students will create their own design projects based on areas of interest. Opportunities for student leadership, participation in competitions, and work-based learning experiences, will be woven in throughout. Students will work on learning the basic skill sets that are needed to meet our STEAM-based challenges. Students will learn block coding, 3D design, basics of 3D printing, laser cutting, as well as robotics controls. Students advance to apply and refine the skill sets learned in the first semester to meet a series of group-based and individual STEAM challenges, that will ask them to use critical thinking and collaboration skills to solve real-world problems with modern solutions. This semester will culminate with a design project challenge that will showcase the student’s learning throughout the year.
News and Broadcasting News and Broadcasting concentrates on the different forms of mass media, with a focus on learning the skills that are necessary to edit videos and produce the daily announcements. Students will acquire the skills necessary to create videos, including learning how to make a storyboard, capture footage and edit. They will learn the importance of meeting deadlines, working in groups and responsible journalism. Students continue to create videos while learning the skill necessary to create a news production and building on the skills of collaboration and time management.
Web Design Web design fuses design and photography to create impressive designs across multiple platforms. Students focus on tools and skills to edit and manipulate images, including saving proper formatting, editing techniques, and tools for basic design. Logos, web page designs and other multimedia creations will be produced in class. Students focus on a desktop publishing software application for creating flyers, brochures, magazines, newspapers, and books. Students will also be introduced to using HTML and CSS and advance to build a multiple page website while learning the basic coding and structure needed to make a website for today’s internet.
Welding Welding and Metal Fabrication is designed to provide students with entry-level skills required in the various metalworking occupations. Areas to be covered include gas tungsten arc welding (TIG), gas metal arc welding (MIG), shielded metal arc welding (Stick), spot welding, drafting, blueprint reading along with the use of metal working power tools and metal fabrication. As students advance, they learn and perform various weld joints in various positions, create projects using learned techniques, welding equipment, and metal fabrication tools and machines.
Woodworking Woodworking introduces students to various tools and machinery used in wood manufacturing and the building industries. Students learn higher level concepts that are used in cabinet and furniture manufacturing. Students work towards advanced craftsmanship in the fundamentals of woodworking and advanced machine and tool operation. Students are encouraged to design a project and to complete the project independently. Students have an option to compete in state and regional competitions, earn scholarships, and gain employment opportunities.