Early Childhood - Enroll - Roseville Community Schools

Early Childhood

Preschool Registration Night

We believe that preschoolers are active learners. Roseville preschoolers are encouraged to challenge their minds as well as their fine and gross motor skills. This promotes self-confidence, self-esteem, and self-expression. All children are accepted as unique individuals.

Great Start Readiness (GSRP)

To register for the Great Start Readiness Program, a completed Enrollment Form along with documentation will need to be returned to Green Elementary. Please call 445-5780 for walk-in availability for providing documentation. Required documentation is as follows: driver’s license, 2 proofs of residency, last year’s income tax return, child’s shot record, and child’s birth certificate.

Enrollment forms can also be picked up and returned to the Administration Building when Green Elementary is not open.

GSRP is a free full-day, state-funded preschool program, housed at three different locations (Green Elementary, Kment Elementary, and Fountain Elementary). Classes are Monday-Friday (Times TBD). Transporation provided for Roseville residents.

Qualification is based on predetermined factors set by the Michigan Department of Education. Click here for income qualifications.

Who is eligible?

  • Must meet at least 2 risk factors as determined by the MDE
  • Macomb County Resident
  • 4 years-old on or before September 1

Program Information

  • 16 students in a class
  • Classes are Monday-Friday
  • Taught by a certified teacher and a certified associate teacher.


Early Childhood Special Education

To register for Early Childhood Special Education, please contact the Special Education office at 586-445-5675 to begin the enrollment process.

ECSE is a special education program for preschool children ages 3-6. Children follow a typical preschool program designed to develop pre-academic skills and positive social relationships.

Who is eligible?

  • Children must have an IEP (Individualized Education Program) stating that they are eligible for services
  • Children do not need to be toilet trained
  • Must be a Roseville resident

Program Information

  • 12 students per class
  • Each class has a teacher and an assistant trained in special education
  • Speech/language, occupational, physical and social work services are available as determined by the IEP
  • Half day (M-F) 8:40-11:25 AM
  • Half day (M-F) 12:55-3:40 PM
  • Fall and Spring Conferences
  • Bus transportation provided

Diagnostic Kindergarten

Roseville Community Schools offers Diagnostic Kindergarten for students who are age appropriate for Kindergarten. However, the child is not ready for the curriculum demands of a traditional Kindergarten.

Recommendations for Diagnostic Kindergarten are based on developmental delays in language, learning, fine motor and gross motor skills and maturity.

Program Information

  • Full Day Program
  • Small Class Sizes
  • Bussing provided (in district only)
  • Not a Special Education Program
  • DK Students Will Go To All-Day Kindergarten

If you are interested in having your child evaluated for the Roseville Diagnostic Kindergarten Program, please contact the Roseville Community Schools Curriculum Office at (586) 445-5688.


18975 Church Street
Roseville, MI  48066

Phone: (586) 445-5724
Fax: (586) 445-5784

Office Hours:
8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.